Isn’t it strange that people get mad that you’re doing well in life. You get promoted at your job, married, have a child, get your dream car, buy the house you have always wanted, go on a vacation and people frown upon it or make up excuses as to why you have accomplished it. People talk to others about how you “don’t deserve that”, “she’s too young to get married”, or “I don’t know why she would want to have a baby now.” People genuinely get upset that you’ve accomplished something. You would never hear someone upset that you’ve gained weight or didn’t compete college (other than the parents who are paying tuition). People don’t feel the need to chime in on you not getting that promotion or totaling your car. It’s sad that our society seems to think that the “norm” is to tear one another apart when someone has achieved a goal of theirs. I try to make a conscious effort to be happy for those who I see are making their dreams come true, building that business they’ve always dreamed of, or are earning that goal salary. But as the world is now, just know you’re doing well for yourself if you have haters. I just channel my inner Taylor Swift and “Shake it Off.”