Life Lesson – Living in the Moment 9.13.19

I am on family vacation in Clearwater, Florida. I have been here before with friends, but this is the first time I have been here with family. Since I have been in the area, previously, it prompted me to start thinking back to my trip past trips with my friends. I was reminiscing on those 2 prior trips and how much fun I had with my friends. I started searching through Facebook and Instagram to find any old pictures that may have been posted to share with my family. After I found some, then I just started looking at all of the pictures. I found myself being very envious of my younger life and what great memories I have from those times. While in the shower, where I do my best thinking, I was trying to decide what I would want to experience again, if I could do just one thing over again with my friends. It would not be a vacation, rather a summer day with my best friend, Allie. Thinking back, I had no idea how much I would value those memories and long to live them again.

Then it occured to me…… I am on a family vacation! This is the first time my 7 month old son has seen the beach and the ocean. It is the first time I have been on a vacation with my husband, son, and parents. All week I have been thinking back to those other vacations when I needed to be taking in every second that I could of this current vacation that I am on. These are times that I will never get back, as I am well aware. I need to treat every current life event as a moment that I can never experience again and I will one day look back on and treasure. The realization was a friendly reminder that I need to live in the moment all the time. Enjoy what I have, when I have it, and not realize the power of the moment when it has become a memory.

American Mom Blog - Life Lesson - Living in the Moment - Florida